Hello & Happy Friday Everyone! Well, it has been an eventful week around our little casa - we are definitely finished with holidays and vacations, but we are doing our best to continue to enjoy the small moments of life!
Here is my continuation of Project 365!
Day 50 - In fact,the week started off with an injury. Josh was trying to help me make some guacamole & when I turned around he had slipped and sliced his finger. After some debating we decided stitches might be necessary and sure enough, my sweet man got a few stitches and proudly showed off his wound. Ladies, I would not recommend showing this picture to your husbands if you are wanting help in the kitchen... |
Day 51 - I took an all day photography seminar with Mark Umstot. I've long been a fan of Mark's work - in fact, he took my sister's wedding pictures and I loved how he captured that day and yet also made everyone feel at ease as he got up close and personal snapping away. The day was a fun learning experience - I'm already looking into purchasing a new lense that he recommended and I've been trying to practice almost daily. For the last part of class we had a model come out & so here are a few in my class gathered around trying to practice their new found skills. |
Day 52 - I'd like to title this picture, "A Meeting of the Minds" - ha! In all truth I get some great advice from these four ladies - we meet for dinner once a month and have been doing so for almost 5 years now - wow! I had the privilege of hosting this month and I have something to brag about...Are you ready? Wait for it...I cooked! Like really cooked - real food for adults. I'm proud can you tell? |
Day 53 - I had a very long day on Monday...I only had 2 hours at home with my sweet Selah before I had to go teach a class and during that time I was peeling some cuties for her to eat. She wanted to try to peel her own little oranges, and to my great surprise she peeled 3 cuties her determined little hands! |
Day 54 - Confession: this is the only picture I took on this day...but the more I look at it the more I kind of love it! This was in the middle of our staff meeting at Church on the Rock, and I think in this moment that Candy said something funny & this is everyone's reaction (notice the craned necks to look her way)! Our staff continues to grow and change and it there is a new excitement in the air as we enter 2012 - It is an honor to work alongside these people! |
Day 55 - I love Instagram - seriously! This is a snapshot from my iPhone & I used Instagram to quickly give it this feel - it is so easy & sometimes it is the perfect way to highlight those precious moments throughout the day. Wednesday was another day where time was limited with my girl,so we made the most of it by playing outside - the weather was gorgeous! And my girl is gorgeous - don't you think? |
Day 56 - This is from yesterday as I worked from home & prepared for a message that I am preaching on the Core Value of LOVE. It was one of those moments when it all seemed to come together (and believe me, this doesn't happen very often as I prepare)...if you live in Lubbock you can come hear this message next weekend at Church on the Rock (don't you love my little plug)? |
So as you can see we went from slicing fingers to peeling oranges to preparing sermons - it was quite a week in deed! AND today we began the task of potty training - exciting I tell you - ha!
I can't wait to see what your weeks looked like my fellow Project 365 partners! Link up below!
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