- I have been tagged by at least five people to do this tag or one similar... So, Leslie, Jennifer Watson, Liz, Amanda, and others this is for you!
- I don't normally do tags (it is a way for me to rebel :))
- I am a Jane Austen fan. I've read all of her books, read several cheesy books that ponder her own life, and have seen most movies about her. Pride & Prejudice and Persuasion are my favorite of her novels and the BBC always portrays her books the best.
- If I started with a new "career" I would like to be an event planner (for fabulous parties) or try interior decorating.
- I've killed every plant that I've ever purchased in my life (except the two that are currently alive in my house - I'm counting the days until they are gonners).
- I think I have OCD tendencies. I count ridges on objects constantly but I can't stop counting until they end on a multiple of five.
- I once wore jeans with with cow fur on them and I thought I was so cool.
- My dad's nickname for me is Paigey Poodle - nothing says I love you like naming you after an annoying dog!
- I have been to the following countries: Mexico, Canada, Guatemala, Greece, Israel, UK, Czech Republic, Belgium, France, Thailand, India, & Ukraine.
- I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in Jr. High
- I always make a wish when I see the clock turn 11:11
- I cry at inappropriate times and rarely cry when I should
- I'm allergic to most things outside - grass, most trees, hay, etc.
- I once had a job where I announced baseball games even though I didn't & still don't understand the many rules to baseball.
- I showed steers (bulls without their boy parts) one year. My calves did not do good but I won the showmanship award (pretty sure it was because I was the only cowgirl with a color-coordinated outfit - from big bow to my yellow boots!)
- The only stitches I've ever received were due to the fact that I ran into a shopping cart (I can be clutzy sometimes)
- Even after YEARS of braces my teeth still angled so they just added onto the bottom of my teeth (I have something like concrete added to the bottom of some of my teeth)
- I often thank God that I was born in this time period - between bad teeth, acne that was helped by dermatologist & bad eyes...I'm aware that I would be the homely girl if I lived in the 16th century.
- I'm allergic to most perfumes - I will literally vomit if someone gets too close with strong perfume
- I have motion sickness & have gotten sick on a plane, bus, vans, & cars! Is that TMI?
- I take a bath almost every night before I go to bed.
- I have been to 3 international hospitals & once had to run for cover from bombs (literally)
- I have seen & run from a tornado
- I once went on an all cereal diet (didn't lose any weight)
- I have run two marathons and am contemplating another one...
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
25 Things about me
Friday, January 23, 2009
Where I am - 2009 Edition
So, Liz Langford asked me last night what had happened to my blog. Yes, I quit blogging for awhile. I've been in a season where lots is going on (both externally & internally) and I just don't know where to start when I think of blogging. So, I'll just do a quick update...
Where I am: It is Saturday morning and I'm sitting on my couch...sipping coffee & talking to my husband. I love talking to my husband...he's funny, insightful, and so smart!
What I am listening to: Ella Fitzgerald singing "I Get a Kick Out of You" - technically I'm listening to Pandora.com - if you haven't found this yet, you should totally check it out. You can create your own radio stations based upon singers that you like - they play other singers or bands that sound similar. So, this is one of Josh's pandora stations...
What I am reading: Currently I'm reading 3 books...Gifted to Lead: The Art of Leading as a Woman in the Church by Nancy Beach (this book has actually brought some healing to my heart and given me really good advice - it's hard sometimes being "the girl" that works alongside so many men - maybe I'll write a blog about this sometime...maybe not). Also reading Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner, reading Streams of Living Water by Richard Foster with my small group, & I've been revisiting LOTS of books for two classes that I'm teaching right now...
What I am watching: Yesterday Josh and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire (it was the first day it showed here in Lubbock) and I LOVED it! For anyone who knows me you know that India has captured my heart so I was really interested to see how India was portrayed and it was just right. They showed the reality of slums coupled with the beauty of the people...the plight of so many children right alongside the opulence and corruption of many in that country. So, I HIGHLY recommend going to see it - open your heart to India...maybe you should go with me! As far as TV watching goes...here are my new favorite shows although I must say I'm watching less TV and I've stopped watching many shows that I used to see faithfully. My new favorites are: The City (I think it is much better than the Hills actually & I love NYC so it is a guilty pleasure for me), Privileged (so random, but I find it hilarious), Samantha Brown's Cruises - I LOVE Samantha Brown and secretly want her job (shout out to Vanessa Brandiger who gave me the heads up about the fabulousness that is Samantha Brown) - who wouldn't love traveling around the globe and showing an audience little tips about cities and locations around the world! Anyways, I've been watching her cruise shows lately...(whenever I flip on the TV they seem to be on)...
Favorite Moments: I have three that come to my mind, so I will be brief
Favorite Funny Moment: I was talking with some ladies a couple of weeks ago and Callie Boyd shared a typical "woman story" along the lines of wetting her pants & stories just poured forth from our little group. What is it about the female bladder that we all have some experience where laughter or something else overtook us and as a result we were left with wet pants? Anyways, it was my favorite funny moment because here was this group of women in the middle of Sugar Brown's Coffee laughing and letting loose our stories without a care as to who heard us! I love being a woman!
Favorite Random Request: So, I got a call from my friend Holly yesterday (if you read this, I WILL call you back this afternoon)...and she wanted to know if I would pose for some pictures as a bride. I have to be honest, my pride cringes at this - what will people think when they see this...I was a bride over 8 years ago, and I feel silly thinking about being a bride today...but, I would be doing this for Shugart Studios and Aaron Sugart is WONDERFUL! He has helped me in so many ways, so I know I will say yes - ONLY because of Aaron and because I want to give back to him...I'll let you all know how the bridal portrait goes - ha!
What I'm looking forward to: Again, 3 things:
Where I am: It is Saturday morning and I'm sitting on my couch...sipping coffee & talking to my husband. I love talking to my husband...he's funny, insightful, and so smart!
What I am listening to: Ella Fitzgerald singing "I Get a Kick Out of You" - technically I'm listening to Pandora.com - if you haven't found this yet, you should totally check it out. You can create your own radio stations based upon singers that you like - they play other singers or bands that sound similar. So, this is one of Josh's pandora stations...
What I am reading: Currently I'm reading 3 books...Gifted to Lead: The Art of Leading as a Woman in the Church by Nancy Beach (this book has actually brought some healing to my heart and given me really good advice - it's hard sometimes being "the girl" that works alongside so many men - maybe I'll write a blog about this sometime...maybe not). Also reading Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner, reading Streams of Living Water by Richard Foster with my small group, & I've been revisiting LOTS of books for two classes that I'm teaching right now...
What I am watching: Yesterday Josh and I went to see Slumdog Millionaire (it was the first day it showed here in Lubbock) and I LOVED it! For anyone who knows me you know that India has captured my heart so I was really interested to see how India was portrayed and it was just right. They showed the reality of slums coupled with the beauty of the people...the plight of so many children right alongside the opulence and corruption of many in that country. So, I HIGHLY recommend going to see it - open your heart to India...maybe you should go with me! As far as TV watching goes...here are my new favorite shows although I must say I'm watching less TV and I've stopped watching many shows that I used to see faithfully. My new favorites are: The City (I think it is much better than the Hills actually & I love NYC so it is a guilty pleasure for me), Privileged (so random, but I find it hilarious), Samantha Brown's Cruises - I LOVE Samantha Brown and secretly want her job (shout out to Vanessa Brandiger who gave me the heads up about the fabulousness that is Samantha Brown) - who wouldn't love traveling around the globe and showing an audience little tips about cities and locations around the world! Anyways, I've been watching her cruise shows lately...(whenever I flip on the TV they seem to be on)...
Favorite Moments: I have three that come to my mind, so I will be brief
- Josh as my nurse - I was sick last week (the most sick I've been in quite some time), and Josh was WONDERFUL. He waited on me with medicine, ran around town buying soup, and he even took me to the doctor. I didn't enjoy the sickness, but it was a reminder of how wonderful my man is...
- Lunch with Alyson - I got a surprise last week...my friend from high school called me up and said I'm coming to town and want to see you! She is my fancy friend now because she lives in NYC and is the Senior Designer for Domino Magazine (if you ever buy the mag you should go find her name in it)... But don't you love those few friends that you have where no matter where you go or how "important" you become they are still just the friend you know? We tried to catch up over a late lunch at Jazz last week, and though the conversation was fun and refreshing, I enjoyed this time mostly because it was a reminder of so amazing friends I have from my past.
- Running - I started running again! Mostly this is to the credit of a new friend - Katie Skeens. She is motivating and getting me back into the swing of things...and guess what I've discovered - I do love to run! So, I've enjoyed conversations with Katie and I'm enjoying my muscles aching in the morning. What stands out the most about running was one amazing run that I had this week. On Tuesday evening I came home after a long day and I decided to lace up my shoes. I was by myself and I experienced what I had not experienced in over a year - that running is medicine to my soul - I let the stresses of the day melt off - I ran too fast as I talked to God and I let my legs and the music I was listening to lead me - no overanalyzing, no pleasing people, no burdens - just me, God, and the road. I'm so glad to be back!
Favorite Funny Moment: I was talking with some ladies a couple of weeks ago and Callie Boyd shared a typical "woman story" along the lines of wetting her pants & stories just poured forth from our little group. What is it about the female bladder that we all have some experience where laughter or something else overtook us and as a result we were left with wet pants? Anyways, it was my favorite funny moment because here was this group of women in the middle of Sugar Brown's Coffee laughing and letting loose our stories without a care as to who heard us! I love being a woman!
Favorite Random Request: So, I got a call from my friend Holly yesterday (if you read this, I WILL call you back this afternoon)...and she wanted to know if I would pose for some pictures as a bride. I have to be honest, my pride cringes at this - what will people think when they see this...I was a bride over 8 years ago, and I feel silly thinking about being a bride today...but, I would be doing this for Shugart Studios and Aaron Sugart is WONDERFUL! He has helped me in so many ways, so I know I will say yes - ONLY because of Aaron and because I want to give back to him...I'll let you all know how the bridal portrait goes - ha!
What I'm looking forward to: Again, 3 things:
- Having a phone conversation with Christie Weehunt. We have been playing phone tag for the last three days and I hope to talk to her today. She is my friend who is a missionary in India. I "mentored" her while she was in our college group, but I feel like she mentors me now...so wise...and I think she is in love so I'm excited to hear all about it!
- Our cruise. Josh and I are going on a cruise in February! Yay!
- My birthday. I turn 30 tomorrow. I've been a little sad about this one - I know my 30's will be great and all of that...but I LOVED my 20's...and I'm feeling a little "old." I'm sure it will be great, so I'm looking forward to it and trying my best to NOT look back.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Just found this on etsy.com and I absolutely love it! I've been thinking about happiness a lot lately and the Lord has been speaking to me about finding His joy in the mundane...
Anyways, I'm thinking I just may buy this piece of art for 2009...how many little things do I take for granted? I want to be a bit more like a bird with a french fry!
Hope you have a Happy January 4th!

Anyways, I'm thinking I just may buy this piece of art for 2009...how many little things do I take for granted? I want to be a bit more like a bird with a french fry!
Hope you have a Happy January 4th!

Saturday, January 3, 2009
New Year Thoughts
Happy New Year everyone! If you made resolutions, I hope you are still keeping them up, and I hope that you are feeling rested and ready for 2009 (I have this feeling that it will be quite a year)! My 2009 thus far has been a mixture of rest and working outside of the box. I've already gotten to stretch myself in a couple of ways (helping to oversee a little "face-lift/remodel" at the church - it's got me thinking that I don't want to ever build a house - so many little decision! And going on a little photo shoot with my friend, Heather).
All in all, I'm not making resolutions this year, although I have started running again (thanks to my friend Katie), reading a bit more intentionally, and trying to make the most of my many relationships. In essence, I'm trying to simply obey a simple word that the Lord spoke to me on our zoe ski trip - to live a Spirit-led life in 2009 rather than a Paige-led life. I realized that I've figured out how to do a lot of my work, relationships, and even my walk with the Lord in a way that looks fairly successful, but in truth it's often lived out of my head and what I know will work rather than how He wants me to live. So, that is my goal for 2009...
Thought I would leave you with my favorite pictures from the photo shoot with Heather...Isn't she a cutie?

All in all, I'm not making resolutions this year, although I have started running again (thanks to my friend Katie), reading a bit more intentionally, and trying to make the most of my many relationships. In essence, I'm trying to simply obey a simple word that the Lord spoke to me on our zoe ski trip - to live a Spirit-led life in 2009 rather than a Paige-led life. I realized that I've figured out how to do a lot of my work, relationships, and even my walk with the Lord in a way that looks fairly successful, but in truth it's often lived out of my head and what I know will work rather than how He wants me to live. So, that is my goal for 2009...
Thought I would leave you with my favorite pictures from the photo shoot with Heather...Isn't she a cutie?

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