I thought I'd share my most embarrassing parenting moment to date - it happened yesterday. As I've mentioned on this blog before, I'm in the process of potty training Selah. Every time that I get prideful and assume that she has mastered the art of potty training then she either reverts back to

wanting to be a baby or she has an accident and I realize as a friend told me when I started that potty training is more like a marathon than a sprint.
Anyways, yesterday was definitely a moment of humility and humiliation as Selah showed me that she had the basic concept of potty training down...just not all the specifics.
It started simply enough. Our family of 3 (almost 4) were out running errands as I got final touches for Little Nugget's new nursery. This picture, in fact, was taken during those errands at Wal-Mart. Selah grabbed two buckets, put her feet in them and proceeded to walk down an aisle - she was in rare form yesterday and Josh and I were laughing at our busy bee who becomes more and more like her father with each passing day.
We moved from Wal-Mart to Babies R Us to purchase some important items like a diaper genie and were having a pleasant enough time. I was on an aisle looking at receiving blankets while Josh was checking out the diaper pails. Selah was standing just feet from us and kept saying "Potty, Potty." Without looking her way we both acknowledged that she was in fact looking at the little potties - just like the one she has at home.
I was deep into thought at the blanket aisle (do I need to buy these, and if so, what kind is best?) when I heard Josh say very calmly, "Paige, I think you should see this." I half-way ignored him saying something like, "Just a minute." When he said again, "No, I think you should see this NOW."
So, I turned to look his way and it was then that I saw the incident with my own eyes.
Right before my eyes in the middle of the aisle was my sweet Selah with her pants and pull-up diaper down around her ankles sitting on one of those display potties doing her business. My eyes grew in horror as her little eyes looked up at me with pride.
"I go potty, Mommy!" she said so proudly.
"YYYes, yes you do," I said. And then I began to freak out... "Did you not see her?!" I scream whispered at Josh. Obviously the answer was no. He also had just turned to make this discovery and we decided that it was best to let her finish her business. I secretly prayed that it would just be a #1 incident while at the same time pleading with God that she would be quick.
All the while, she continued to say with pride, "I go potty, Mommy!" And to my relief God answered my pleas...and we quickly pulled up those little pants.
So glad that Josh was with me because when she finally stood up, I had him take the almost FULL potty to the bathroom to empty & clean. However, he could not find the bathroom, so my unashamed husband asked an employee where the bathroom was while holding the full potty in his hands.
He said the employee gave him a strange look as he pointed to the right but never said a word. I'm sure you all would like to know that we then purchased that said potty (although we did have a debate on this - Josh didn't want to spend the money on it. "Surely this happens at least once a week," he declared. But my mother's words were in my ears and I just couldn't leave the germ infested potty there).
So, we now have two training potties and a story that I'm sure my poor child will never live down!
In fact, Selah carried that bad boy out of the store with such pride - "My Potty!" she continued to chant as she lugged it around during the rest of our shopping experience. Just out of curiosity, have any of your children ever used the bathroom in a public place like that? Just wondering if Josh's theory that things like this must happen often is true?
Now, I also wanted to get caught up on Project 365. I didn't post last week, so here is my picture a day for the last 2 weeks. I'm finding as I get closer to delivery I'm less inclined to pull out my camera (I think I'm less inclined to do most things that require extra energy), so the pictures are less than stellar but they are capturing our lives at this moment!
Day 166 - Last Saturday night I preached at Church on the Rock & this is what my desk looked like an hour before the service. Just making a few last minute changes. |
Day 167 - The spoon is moving so quickly that you can't tell, but Selah was drumming on my leg and having a glorious time! |
Day 168 - I got a new car!!!! Love my new Acura RDX - more space for little nugget to join the family and we got a great deal. Isn't she pretty? |
Day 169 - Josh promised Selah a cupcake for some reason this day and so I snapped this quick moment as she gazed off in a chocolate coma. |
Day 170 - I blogged about our surprise party last week that celebrated our years of working with Zoe College & Young Adults Ministry. This is a picture with a few of the ladies who have come into my life through this ministry over the years. Such great girls & such wonderful memories! |
Day 171 - We received an amazing book with notes of thanks from our former students, so I spent quite a bit of time last Thursday reading through these notes and giving the Lord thanks for the opportunity to be a part of their lives. |
Day 172 - I was pulling out Selah's old baby items in preparation for Little Nugget, and Selah wanted to either have or try each item. Josh agreed to give her a taste of her old life - so she road around in her carrier for a while. |
Day 173 - Our little family took advantage of the amazing weather on Saturday and spent the afternoon at the park. There are some climbing rocks that my fearless child immediately went for. Thankfully her father followed & I snapped this picture of their adventures! |
Day 174 - Mother's Day - I can't believe I didn't take any pictures with my beautiful mother or grandmother (they both came to hear me preach at The Dream Center), but I did take this picture of Selah and her cousin Molly Kate playing dress up that evening as we celebrated all of the moms in our life that night. |
Day 175 - Apparently I didn't take any pictures on this day or two days later, so instead I will post 3 pictures from my baby shower on Tuesday. It was a beautiful, laid-back night in which I felt very loved.
Day 176 - Just a bird's eye view of the delicious spread that the ladies had made. |
Day 176 (2) - The ladies that hosted my shower - I love them each so much! Thank you girls! |
Day 176 (3) - Admiring the crib bedding that my mother MADE for Little Nugget. Seriously, my mother is the most talented and gracious woman I know. I can't wait to show you all the gorgeous room that she helped me create - each part chosen or crafted with love overflowing. |
Day 177 - On Thursday, our executive staff from the church took an overnight retreat to the thriving metropolis of Post, TX. We stayed at this darling B&B. It was a a great 24 hours of vision casting, brainstorming, venting of frustrations :), and even a bit of charades. I left truly thankful for the people I have the opportunity to work with. |
Day 178 - Upon returning from our retreat, my mom and I went on a mission to finish Little Nugget's nursery before I go into labor. Here she is hanging lanterns - can't wait to show you the finished project (coming soon)! |
Day 179 - My mom came back over yesterday to finish the room, but she took plenty of Selah breaks. Here she is reading "Big Sisters are the BEST." |
Whew! It's been an eventful 2 weeks! Can't wait to see what the next two weeks hold - hopefully meeting Little Nugget!