Sunday, August 22, 2010

One of those moms...

I never thought I'd be one of those moms who said something like...

Today is special...because it is Selah's 1/2 birthday!!!! 
My girl is now 6 months old - oh, how I love her so!

But I am one of those moms now...and I don't care...if you saw this face you would want to celebrate it too!

Friday, August 20, 2010


Have you ever had one of those weeks where lessons seem to abound?  It has been one of those weeks for me - major moments of learning...and yet a week where I feel like God has been whispering step by has been one of those weeks where although it has been painfully hard, I know I'll look back on it as a week where I was tucked under the Lord's arm close to his heart.

Here is a list of a few things I've learned this week:

  1. There is power in vulnerability...especially if it a current weakness rather than something you have overcome in the past...
  2. Listening to a 3-year old talk about dancing princesses will make you wish for simplicity...
  3. Sometimes you are the most effective when you feel as though your emotions are depleted and your strength is used up- it is then that He can miraculously speak through you...
  4. Even the greatest anxiety or unsolvable dilemma can be relieved by kissing a baby...
  5. Embrace interruptions...
  6. And embrace pain...
  7. There is always someone else's situation that will put yours into proper perspective...
  8. Remain thankful...
  9. Sometimes chocolate really does help...
  10. And sometimes cleaning your bathtub really is therapeutic...

Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Mema

Today is my Mema's 80th Birthday and I just returned home from her celebration.  She has always been one of my heros.  In her early 30's she became a widow with 4 young children and a farm to run...and she did it!  She ran tractors, haggled with the men, and raised 4 amazing people.

Growing up I spent a lot of time at her farm and still have such fond memories of sleeping in the "green room," playing dress up with her jewelry, learning how to can fruits, and climbing hay bales or cotton seed piles...we would eat pastrami or turkey sandwiches for lunch with Lay's potato chips and tea with sweet n' low all the while listening to stories about my mom growing up.

As I've gotten older I've cherished our conversations - she has loved hearing about my travels and I have loved hearing her thoughts on Scripture.  I feel like we have a special bond, but I have a feeling that each of her grandchildren feel the same.

Her body has become frail over the past few years...I petition God about it often...and yet, her spirit remains vibrant, her love remains steadfast, and her words still bring wonderful guidance.  She is my Mema & I'm so thankful that she is mine.
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