It has been too long since I last is where I am!
Where I am: For once I'm actually not on my couch, but I'm sitting in my bed. I'm about to get ready for the day & I think I'm headed to Sugar Brown's to go work on a project!
What I am listening to: At this moment I'm listening to This is Our God by Hillsong as well as a little bit of Jared Anderson. I'm on the lookout for some new good worship...let me know if you have any suggestions
What I am reading: As of today -
People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks (a Terri Reed recommendation) & Runner's World Magazine (trying to get some motivation)
What I am watching: I just need to briefly state - Yes, I did watch The Bachelor finale, and I even got sucked into the blog world beforehand (thank you Kelsey) I knew what was going to happen, but it did not soften the blow. I was literally sitting on my couch yelling at Jason while Josh sat next to me pretending to be reading the Wall Street Journal (I think he was watching with me)...Don't know what else to say about it except that I'm sorry Melissa - you are a Texas girl so you will be okay. You didn't really want to move to rainy Seattle anyways...
I also watched the Top Chef Season Finale - not sure if any of you out there watch Top Chef, but I love the show...the only bad thing is that I would LOVE to actually taste the food!
Josh & I are now on the Amazing Race bandwagon. We would dominate in that show (or so we like to think :))...
FYI - if you know me, you know I'm never home to actually watch these shows...they are provided for my by my DVR...
Moments that were Memorable: In the last two weeks I have had some AMAZING moments, so I will try to be brief & perhaps follow up on them more we go:
Ash Wednesday - In my last blog I mentioned that I was going to participate in the Season of Lent as I felt like God wanted me to so that I could find Him in some new ways. Last Wednesday I went to the Ash Wednesday service as Westminster Presbyterian Church, and it was BEAUTIFUL! Josh went with me, and as we left we talked about just how refreshing it was to worship God with such reverence. I LOVE my church and I love the way we worship God at COTR, but I also think it is healthy to get outside of our boxes from time to time & see Jesus in other "traditions."
I think I will write an entire blog about this later, but here is what stood out to me the most. As the congregation read aloud Joel 2:12-13 I was moved to tears & the Lord spoke to me so clearly that the American church is busy about "being happy" that we often don't stop and realize just how much we desperately need His son. Here is the passage of Scripture:
Joel 2:12-13
"Yet even now," declares the LORD, "return to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;
13and rend your hearts and not your garments." Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love;
and he relents over disaster.
I've done some research on Lent and regardless of directions it has taken over the course of history, the initial reason it was implemented was to be a time of reflection leading up to Easter. It is a call to reflect on our own lives and to realize that we are sinful and in need of a Savior. On Ash Wednesday people receive ashes on their foreheads as a reminder that they came from dust & they will return to dust - in and of ourselves we are nothing - as we reflect on this for 40 days, the resurrection of our Lord & Savior is more poignant! We are joyful that thankful that He came for us!
Lisa Bevere @ Momentum Conference - All I will say about this is that the Lord both spoke to me & I believe spoke through me at this conference. Lisa Bevere has been a hero in the faith for me for many years, and I was psyched to do a break-out session at a conference where she was the keynote speaker.
In her opening session she mentioned that she has 5 girls that travel with her...when I started my first session, Hannah Reed, Ashlee VanDeventer, & Deneille Golden sat on the front row & whispered to me, "we are your girls!" It made me smile & realize just how blessed I am to have so many amazing young women around my life that I get to do life with!
Mema Time - I was able to take my Mema to the doctor's office twice last week, and although the circumstances weren't pleasant, I so enjoyed just being in the presence of my grandmother. She is gracious, kind, and amazingly strong. We mostly talked about insignificant pieces of life, but afterwards I was just thankful that I got to be with her and help her...she is strong for so many people and has been for years, that it was nice to be strong for her.
Favorite Pictures Taken:
I took pictures of my niece Madison for her one-year birthday! She had on the most adorable tutu...Isn't she gorgeous!
During these past two weeks I also got to celebrate my friend's birthday. A group of us surprised her with dinner at Manna. Happy Birthday Katie!