Monday, January 24, 2011

A List - Birthday Edition

  1. Tomorrow is my birthday
  2.  I love birthdays (especially mine).
  3.  I will be 32 years old
  4.  Not sure how I feel about this number.
  5.  31 was a good year, but a hard year.
  6.  The good parts mostly centered around this cute face.

7.  The hard parts centered around realizing that I’m really an adult and sometimes there are hard parts to an adult life.
 8.  But this list is really about my birthday so we should not dwell on hard things.
 9.  Instead we should dwell on fun things like this crazy face!

10.  Do you make crazy faces too?  I’m realizing that Selah basically copies my face. 
11.  So this must be what I look like…a lot.
12.  Speaking of fun things – I love my brown boots.

 13.  Do you remember when I blogged about shoes and promised to highlight a pair every week?
14.  I lied.
15.  So these brown boots are my peace offering.
16.  I wear them as often as possible.
17.   I bought them when I was in Baltimore with my dearest friend, Wendy.

18.  While I was visiting, Wendy and I both got massages.
19.   Our massages were given to us by a man named Juan. 

20.   It was the most painful hour of my life.
21.   It was the most painful hour of Wendy’s life too.

22.  But afterwards we laughed about it.
23.  And then we drank large quantities of Starbucks Caramel Machiatos.

24.  And then we ate French Toast.
25.  And then we laughed some more about Juan.
26.  Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned with Juan.
27.  Even in moments of pain…so long as there are people you love…and lots of laughter…the pain is put into perspective.

28.  And French toast always helps as well. 
29.  As do fabulous boots.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year...New Gifts! (141-159)

The last couple of months have been sprinkled with both laughter and tears in my life. Laughter in celebrating with family and watching my wee one grow. But also tears as I’ve talked and listened and watched some of my dearest friends go through the unfair parts of life. It has been a season of a heavy heart…it has been a winter season in many ways…and yet today I am aware more than ever before that God is good. And although the trees appear bare and the cold seems harsh – He is here.

He is here in the prayers of friends.

He is here in the laughter of my child.

He is here in the quiet and in the tears.

He is here.

And for that, I am thankful – and I want to continue to count my gifts…

141. The wonder of lights

142. Crawling cuties

143. Discovery through her eyes…the joy of bath toys…new textures…and puppies

144. Time to breathe

145. Time to reflect

146. A chance to start over in a sense…the beginning of a new year

147. Seeing young women make good and healthy decisions

148. Soft Sand in between my toes

149. Capturing moments through my camera

150. Unbelievable sunsets

151. Reconnecting with old friends

152. The smiles of new love

153. Remembering why he is so perfect for me

154. Family date nights…even if they are just to get a cup of coffee & dream about the future

155. Baby Passport Pictures

156. New revelation from His Word…His calling to COME

157. His whispers that my friend will be okay – through DVD clips, unexpected text messages, and surprising visits – all reminders to my heart alone that He is in control.

158. Rediscovering the treasure I have in my forever friends

So many more gifts that I have discovered in the last month…but I will wait til next Monday to share more. Until then I will end with the joy I found last night as my sweet Selah was introduced to macaroni…

159. The gift of cheese

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Some days you just need to meditate on those gifts from God that make us smile...

 Like my sweet Selah!  She loves her Gigi & I love her!

And little Pey-Pey...isn't her smile contagious!

That is all!  Just needed a fresh look on the blog & I wanted to smile!

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