Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Counting My Gifts (No. 74-85)

I started back to work last week, and although it is going splendidly I'm finding that this is an additional transition & I'm still finding my stride...So, I'm behind once again in most areas of life - this blog being one of those areas...I wanted to share many more gifts this week, but decided this will do for now!

74. Selah’s easy transition to my work life.

75. Realizing that I was missed but finding the fort still standing.

76. Planning a summer trip to NYC & Boston for $0 – Yay for AA miles that cover both the flights & hotel!

77. Baby stretches & the noises that show her joy in a good stretch

78. A mom who babysits at a moment’s notice

79. Finding out I’ve lost all but 1 pound of my baby weight…although the body looks different…

80. Finding a few hours to work in our yard

81. Breaks in the work day to feed Selah – it’s nice to have an excuse to ignore everything for a few minutes

82. Coos & “oohs” – Selah and I have had wonderful conversations this week

83. A new book that has made me think

84. Discovering that movies are still possible via the Drive-In Theater

85. Celebrating Jesus on Easter rather than “working”
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