And often I try to be thankful for those meaningful moments...those intangibles that are really of value...
But today...I'm going to confess that I'm also thankful for...
I love is a problem really...
so today I'm confessing that although I AM thankful...I may actually have a problem
You see, when you look into my closet you will be greeted with this sight
But then your eyes will travel upwards and you will also notice these boxes
Yes, they are all filled with another pair of shoes...
And you might say, "Paige, that's not so bad..."
But then you will notice something sticking out from under the clothes
And THEN you would look to the left...
And then you might say...perhaps this is a bit much Paige.
Yes, I know.
Now, as a disclaimer I would like to offer two things: 1. These shoes have accumulated over the last 10 years - seriously, a couple pairs have been in my ownership since the day I got married and because they are simple they have not gone out of style and therefore they remain in my closet. 2. Several of these are the result of a tragedy in my mother's life. She had to have foot surgery a couple of years ago and the result of this surgery is that she can no longer wear fabulous high heels. Do not bring this up to her as you may see tears well up in her see, I inherited this shoe problem from my the day that she had to give up her high heels was a VERY sad day (for her). For me, it was a day of great joy & celebration (although I did feel sorry for my mom).
Now that I have confessed, I would like to state that I am thankful for my shoes!
I am thankful for my latest purchase. These are my new favorites that I got from Anthropologie. They were fabulously cheap (and you know, nothing in cheap in Anthropologie, so I felt obligated to bring them home).
I am thankful for these lovely gems that were a part of my mother's collection. I feel like both a lady & a rock star when I wear them.
I am thankful for these shockingly yellow sandals because they are both comfortable and fun.
And lastly, I'm thankful for my funky boots! I bought them on 5th Avenue in NYC with my they bring up feelings of nostalgia each time I wear them.
I'm contemplating sharing each week a new pair that I am thankful for...if for no other reason than to remind myself that I do in fact have PLENTY of shoes & hopefully refrain from purchasing another pair...
What do you think? Should I share more? And do you have something that you need to confess?