Although I'm feeling rather large & have asked God on more than one occasion this week why pregnancy is a full 40 weeks - (wouldn't 34 suffice?) - I have still had a splendid week. Days are longer and warmer, my sweet Selah delights daily in sprinklers or bubbles, and my husband continually amazes me at the way he serves and loves me...not to mention countless others.
So here is a quick peek at our week - there have been plenty of giggles, food splurges (seriously, 35 weeks calls for ice cream like nothing else), and dreams about what the future holds!
Day 159 - My parents bough a Slip 'N Slide for their darling granddaughters & our fearless Selah loved every minute of it! Look at those dimples - she was in heaven and hasn't stopped talking about the Wip N Wide since. |
Day 160 - I LOVE eggs benedict. If I'm ever having brunch or a nice breakfast there is a 50/50 chance that I'll order these beauties (the other 50% of time it's french toast). Anyways, I recently purchased the new Pioneer Woman cookbook and when I saw her recipe for Eggs Benedict I decided I had to give it a try. I'm not much of a in I don't cook often...but surprisingly when I do step out and try to cook something it turns out well. And this was no exception! So, if you are hankering this gem - I'm your girl! |
Day 161 - I had a freak out moment last week regarding the fact that I have not done much to prepare for the new baby. Room isn't ready...haven't washed any clothes...etc. Josh listened to my laments as I came up with a game plan, but then the next night he had his own nesting freak out and determined what we really needed to prepare ourselves for the baby was a bigger car. So, I've been test driving a beauty and my car is listed on Craigslist! |
Day 162 - We are enjoying the weather!!! On Tuesday night we went on a family stroll! |
Day 162 - I posted a couple weeks ago about my last time to speak at Zoe, but this Wednesday night was my hubby's last time to speak. So proud of this man - Being bi-vocational for 10 years has been more difficult than most people will ever know...but his love for the students we've served and his willingness to say yes to the Lord has brought with it a joy even in the many moments of long hours. Well done, Josh. I am proud to be your wife. |
Day 163 - I've realized more than ever this week just how fearless my sweet girl is...and although I prayed while she was in my womb that she would be fearless, I didn't fully realize how an answer to that prayer would manifest. But here is one example! We went to the park and my girl climbed up this steep ladder (don't worry, I stood behind her, but didn't touch her once)...not too shabby for a new 2 year-old. |
Day 164 - It was our first pool day! Woohoo! My sister bough Selah new sunglasses and as I laid by the side she jumped off the diving board...over and over and over. It was a great day! |
Hope you are enjoying the longer days and warmer weather wherever you are!
Selah was so fun to watch today....One more time! So fun!
Lots of great smiles in great photos. Thanks for clarifying the title of those eggs and confirming that they were not mashed potatoes with gravy and paprika!
That slip n slide shot with her expression and the water droplets is AMAZING! Kudos to you on your camera skills!
Also...although I don't like Eggs Benedict, you did a SMASHING much so that it makes me want some!
As always...I love sharing your life with you here in these photos....
Your message on Sunday about how the small is significant Was a really great message and it made me think about a lot of stuff:) I'm so glad when we get to hear you speak
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