Josh and I are excited to welcome Selah & to prove it we finished her room this weekend!!!
I wanted it to basically be a peaceful place & found some amazing things over the course of the last few months that are not only peaceful but have special meaning for our special little girl...
A HUGE thanks to Missy Hall for helping me with the Scripture over Selah's Crib
It is Psalm 67:1 in the ESV Version
And an even bigger thanks to the greatness that is my mom...
She made me all of the bedding & curtains - LOVE them!
Here are some other shots of the room!!!
Okay, we are ready...or at least are giving the appearance of it!
Come on little girl ~ we'll be meeting you sometime this next week
Wow, stunning! The room is like something out of a magazine. Selah is a lucky little girl and we can't wait to "meet" her too.
Beautiful room, and I love the verse.
You posted this months ago, I just wanted to tell you (as former interior design student, ha!) how lovely her room is. Just looking at Selah's room I felt amazing sense of peace ..what a precious space for precious time to be spent with Selah!
Not only do you "do it all," Paige, you are truly an inspirational woman. You your depth and passion to love others and serve God ministers so deeply to others, even when you aren't aware that you're doing so!
Your blog is a breath of fresh air, and your book recommendations are frequently just what I needed (the Sacred Echo, for example.) Thanks for sharing your heart so openly, and with such transparency.
Have a truly incredible day today!
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