Project 365 has been on the back burner of my blog lately, but I've continued to snap away - sometimes with nothing more than my phone and other times in an elaborate attempt to try and capture that moment.
So, here are the last 3 weeks - one picture for each day. And although the last 3 weeks have been a whirlwind, as I look back over these pictures I'm so thankful for the people I get to do life with and the way that each day we not only make memories but hopefully make small impacts in lives of others.
Day 137 - A day at the park. Our girl is growing daily and becoming quite the active little toddler. She runs fast and plays hard! |
Day 138 - This was the day before Easter and we went to my grandmother's assisted living home for an Easter Egg Hunt. After it was over my niece, Ava, started to do gymnastics & to her delight she had a crowd, what to do, but perform some more! I love this picture - Ava was taking a big bow before her adoring crowd. |
Day 139 - Easter Sunday...I had a lot of pictures to choose from, but this was my favorite - it was a happy day! |
Day 140 - I had the day off of work so Selah and I indulged in a lazy day of watching Blue's Clues! |
Day 141 - Although it was nice to have the previous day off, I more than made up for it on Tuesday as I frantically tried to get together final details for our Miles for Missions race & Missions Training Weekend. |
Day 142 - Even though we are over a week out from this day I still remember it vividly. It was a stressful day and I only had an hour in the afternoon at home with Selah before I had to go back to the church and teach a class. And although I was tempted to just sit on my couch and stare into space...Selah kept beckoning me..."Come on Mama!" So I followed her outside & she showed me with pride that our first roses had bloomed! And then she started to pick was a great two hours & ended up being more relaxing than any time sitting on my couch. |
Day 143 - Selah was on the phone with her Safta...and they had quite the conversation. I love this picture because this is how Josh stands when he is talking on a business call. |
Day 143 - Loving our blooming roses in the backyard! |
Day 144 - Our Missions Training weekend arrived and it was a great time! Here is my cute hubby explaining the rules to our Amazing Race team building time. |
Day 145 - Selah was watching The Fresh Beat Band and started asking to play the guitar. You cannot begin to imagine her joy when she found out that her daddy actually had a guitar! Josh pulled it out and let her strum it. They made up songs and laughed, and it was a glorious horribly sounding moment. |
Day 146 - So, I've been craving one thing during this pregnancy - chocolate cake. Yep, I'm loving it! And my friend Abby heard about this craving & actually made me the MOST delicious cake! Selah and I were quite excited! |
Day 147 - This is in our COTR staff meeting, and Josh was being honored for his 10 years serving as college pastor. So proud of my hubby. |
Day 148 - Our church is about to start a new building...and you should know that this is a LONG time coming. We were actually going to build a few years ago when our senior pastor stopped the process because he felt like we needed to reach our city - so we started weekly outreaches on the other side of town & it all became The Lubbock Dream Center, which is just an amazing place of hope. So, to see this come back around and yet our hearts be in a new & right place as we move's all just exciting & right. Anyways, on Wednesday a fence was erected to protect the area & we had people write scriptures on the fence. |
Day 149 - A nice morning in my backyard...I need more moments like this. |
Day 150 - This is my kitchen filled with college students laughing at YouTube videos. A great moment...just look at all of these expressions! |
Day 151 - We took a picnic & fed the ducks! |
Day 152 - On Sunday night I was honored to host Sower of Seeds ministries in Lubbock for a night of hope as we heard stories from women who were rescued from human trafficking. It was a powerful night, and the entire reason I was first introduced to this amazing ministry was because of this dear friend. Christie came into my life as a college sophomore and is now a dear friend...and how fun that we are pregnant together! |
Day 153 - We had a luncheon on Monday to raise funds for these amazing this working for a cause I believe in |
Day 153 - part 2 - Just had to share this picture...this is Renu. She is my hero & this is my mom...another hero. |
Day 154 - It was a HOT day and we made strawberry smoothies after a full day of Kid's Day Out. |
Day 155 - Speaking of hot days...sometimes the only solution is to strip down to your undies & play in the water. And it's even better when you are a little mischievous and make it your mission to spray your daddy. |
Day 156 - Blowing Bubbles |
Day 157 - Last but not least, we are at today!!! I had the privilege of taking a few pictures of one of Selah's beloved babysitters - Heather - before she left for prom. Isn't she gorgeous? |
It feels so good to finally get caught up! Hope you all find moments worth capturing in your everyday!
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