Thursday, March 18, 2010

Enjoying the Quiet

Everyone keeps asking me how I'm adjusting and I think I would say I'm loving the mommy stuff!  What has been more of a difficult transition has been the slower pace of life that I'm finding comes with this baby girl.  For years - literally - at least back until high school I typically go, go, go - and I've loved it.  So, the difficulty has been in learning to be okay simply talking to a baby...reading...going out of the house once a day for lunch or an errand...and learning to be okay with the silence.

I have more to say, but my husband is home now, so I'm gonna go & have some adult conversation!!!!

I thought I would share a few pictures from the last couple weeks of Selah's life...we even made a quick trip to Dallas for her to meet Josh's family!

Until next time, I'm going to continue enjoying the quiet (or at least try to enjoy it)!


Dominika said...

Enjoy the time with your precious Selah. Before you know you'll blink and she'll be crawling around keeping you busier than ever :o)

Enid said...

Yes enjoy it... then you al will be so busy with not a dull momment! SO precious time and she is so pretty just like you!

Jennifer said...

Fantastic pictures! Especially that first one of her and totally needs to be hanging up somewhere...on your fridge...or Selah's room...or...a billboard. ♥

Laura C. Brandenburg said...

I don't really understand the situation because I don't have a baby-but I DO understand your personality. So, this is me--empathizing and praying that God blesses you with those quiet moments.

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