Anyways, here are a few gifts that God has given me recently.
44. Simple advice that magically repaired my computer.
45. Finding joy in simple conversations
46. Amazing in-laws who love me (almost as much as their son)
47. Welcoming people into my home & truly being okay that it isn’t “clean”
48. Selah’s eyes that now focus on my face.
49. Her little smiles (even if they are simply the result of gas)
50. The inward freedom to ignore work and be okay with it
51. Rediscovering my love of reading
52. Reading in the middle of the night while holding my girl
53. Buying a shirt (and pants) that are NOT maternity wear!
54. The promise of spring
55. A new niece with shocking hair
56. A new warm blanket for my couch time
57. An unexpected gift of flowers from my husband
58. The hubs words of encouragement…telling me he loves me more…loves the compassion he sees growing inside…knowing he is speaking the truth
59. Watching as others fall in love with the world

I am so thankful you are doing this..!
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