So, since May we have been going all over the US...showing our friends Tomas and Miriam around. (They were in the US for 4 months and we decided it would truly be a shame if all they saw while here was Lubbock - and Levelland). Lots of details came together and we were able to take a road trip across the West.
The Grand Canyon
Las Vegas
Los Angeles
Here are a few pictures from some of our journey!
At the Grand Canyon during Sunset
With Tomas & Miriam

I took Josh's picture next to the "Danger" sign after he kept scampering around on the rocks and ledges...

I took Josh's picture next to the "Danger" sign after he kept scampering around on the rocks and ledges...
Oh, the reason for the trip to LA was my graduation from grad we are with my parents!
A couple weeks after our road trip out West, we went with my family to Heath's parent's house boat in Arkansas. It was incredibly relaxing and some good family time...I don't have any crazy stories like past family vacations, but Josh did buy me a bikini off the side of the road - can we just stop and think about how many things are wrong with that scenario? FYI - I will not be wearing his gift...Here are pictures with the fam!

Josh wakeboarding

Heath was showing off some of his moves

Josh wakeboarding

Heath was showing off some of his moves
Baby Madison (my newest niece) - isn't she a cutie?
Naked Ava=unresistable photo moment
Ava looks longingly at the lake
With my lovely sisters
Ava says "Cheese!"
Doesn't this look like a bad Olan Mills picture?
Fun times. Those are some cute pictures.
Gosh, I love these pics!
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