Josh wrote about rest, so I thought I might as well too. It seems to be that lesson in my life that I am constantly revisiting, and in some ways it doesn't make is good...God created it for is a time to get refilled...and yet it causes me to give up control and that is where I fight with it, a lot. I once read in "The Soul of Ministry" by Ray Anderson that Sabbath is actually us stopping and allowing God to complete what we started. We rest and He works - in fact when you go back and reread the creation account it says that God finished His work on the 7th day...So, I'm trying to embrace this truth - that although rest does require me giving up control, it's not arbitrary, but rather I'm relinquishing my control to the One who knows how to best finish the work I've started.
In other news, we just sent out an email letting everyone know that zoe is moving to Thursdays at 8pm in the fall! Yay!
Oh also, I totally cooked for a group of ladies last night - those who know me will attest that this is a small miracle. I even got recipes of food network - oh yeah, I was cooking for real! Although I was running around crazy when they arrived everything turned out relatively tasty! yay!

I will leave you with this picture. It's my nephew Levi who loves making funny faces! We had fun with them in Dallas a couple of weekends ago!
hey there. fun to catch up with you guys on your blog. you look great and life seems to be wonderful for you guys. man i wish we could travel. that's one thing i wish we did more of before the kids. oh well. i guess there's always after they move out ?! haha or at least when they're bigger.
have a great trip to Asia!
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