Sunday, March 11, 2012

Loud Music, Lovely Girls, and Lots of "I Do's" - Project 365

It was more than a full week in my life, but looking back I realize it was also filled with so much joy and true fulfillment.  This week I've noticed people getting stirred to be more proactive (perhaps in response to the Kony2012?)...and I'm thankful that in a lot of ways my normal is just that - working hard in my own way to make a difference.

When I'm not doing something that connects with a global purpose or to just something bigger than myself, that is when I get frustrated and tired.  So, I'm looking back at this week of...what to call it?...fullness perhaps?...with an overflowing heart!  Oh, and I'm so excited that we are escaping for part of this week to get recharged so we can continue to be our normal - pressing forward as best we know how!

Here is a look at my week: Project 365 Style!

Day 100 - On Saturday I took pictures for my mom's cousin's wedding.  Shara & Brad had a beautiful wedding and it was so special to watch as they blend their two families together.  My favorite part of the ceremony was that during the lighting of the unity candle they had a candle for each of their 5 children to light & then they brought all 7 candles together into ONE!  Oh, and this picture I took with their rings - I kind of love it!

Day 101 - This is the only picture I took all day - Mostly because my pregnant self was exhausted after 7 hours of taking pictures the day before (a new found respect for professional photographers was something I discovered along the way)...but Sunday was also focused on prepping for the Gungor concert that we were in charge of the following day.  I was personally responsible for feeding 25 people 3 meals, and if you know me that is somewhat ridiculous since my cooking is sporadic at best (yes, I catered it all)...but this was a laundry basket full of my hot drink supplies...tea and coffee were going to be an all day must & I was well organized for the event!

Day 102 - It was another long day for us but oh so worth it!  Here is Michael Gungor singing Beautiful Things...and it was in deed a beautiful night.

Day 102 (part 2) - Just had to share this quick picture because I was so proud of my husband at this moment.  We both finally sat down to take a deep breath & enjoy the concert - just looking around to see that people in our little city had responded so well & were sitting with expectant hearts for what God would made all the work fade in the distance.

Day 103 - I think I see a pattern developing because once again this is the only picture that I took on Tuesday.  After a day of work we found ourselves at home together for an hour before the night's responsibilities called...and so we sat (all three of us) with feet propped up in the living room.  It was a nice hour!

Day 104 - Selah got food poisoning the night before so I stayed home with my sweet girl on Wednesday...BUT by the afternoon she was feeling much better so we went outside to enjoy some sunshine (isn't it amazing what a little sunshine can do)?  I snapped a few pictures and this one is my favorite.

Day 105 - I typically work from home on Thursdays but since I was out of the office on Monday and Wednesday I decided to sneak into the office at 7am and actually cleaned my desk & made my to-do list for this upcoming week.  My desk hasn't been this clean in a very long time!

Day 106 - My sister Leslie took this picture while she kept Selah for me (Josh and I were at a wedding rehearsal)...and I absolutely adore this picture!  Apparently Selah and her two cousins (Ava & Molly Kate) decided to dress up!  Selah loves her older cousins so much - they are her heroes and I'm thankful that we live close enough for moments like this just to happen.

Day 107 - Josh and I officiated the wedding of Drew Parsley & Tiffany Goforth together & it was a lot of fun!  We've both been involved in other weddings separately in the past, but it was our first time to do an entire wedding side-by-side...and it was just right.

I hope you also had a great week!  And here is to an anticipated upcoming week of rest!

PS - My computer died this week, so my blog postings will likely be light until I get a new one (which I'm hoping is sooner than later)

If you are also participating in Project 365, I'd love for you to link up below!


Lindsey V said...

Love the wedding pic with the rings on the Bible. So cool how the shadows made a heart. Love it!

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