What I am Listening To: Today I listened to Bethany Dillon's CD The Kingdom while I was attempting to do some writing. I'm mostly enjoying listening to the sounds of spring outside - I'm not trying to be deep with that statement, but don't you just love the way it seems everything comes alive in a new way this time of year?! Makes me think I should go jog...
What I am Reading: I recently finished Flashbang by Mark Steele. I liked his second book better, but this one had some good points in it as well. His stories are HILARIOUS...I'm also reading The Blue Shoe by Anne Lamott and I just finished Rise and Shine by Anna Quindlan
What I am Watching: Tonight I'm watching The Biggest Loser Finale. I'm feeling like Tara is going to win...this also makes me think I should go jog! Oh, and I watched Twilight last week...I really DON'T get the hoopla about this movie...I love a good romance, but creepy vampires??? not so much (sorry, I know lots of you LOVED this movie)...
Favorite Picture I have Taken:

It has been a busy couple of weeks so here are the highlights! We took all of our zoe graduates out to a nice dinner & thought I'd share this pics...I love our young adults!
Good Night Red Light: Myself, Josh, my mom, Kyla & Nathan traveled to Dallas last week to help out with a fundraising event for Bombay Teen Challenge. I mentioned it in my previous blog & it was a GREAT trip. I LOVE this ministry and can honestly say that they doing something to help women and children in hopeless situations. To find out more about BTC, see these 2 blogs that I wrote after visiting there last year:
Here are some pics of our time in Dallas:

Mother's Day: This year we celebrated a bit more laid back than normal, but I still got to have my mom, sisters & their families over to my house. Since I'm the only non-mom in the family I feel it is the least I can do to honor them with a nice lunch on this day...I didn't take many pictures, but just thought I would show you the loveliness of my mom!
Oh great! One more thing to add to my Why I'm Jealous of Paige List! Can't believe you got to work the will-call window.
And you seriously make my brain hurt that you read so many books at one time.
I love the pictures. Can you email me some. I of course didn't take any on mothers day. I've got to get better at that. Without you I would have like 2 pictures of Madi. Also, thanks for the lunch. It was so special!
I know what you mean when you talk about pausing to listen to the sound of spring. I remember studying in your backyard and enjoying the collection of wildlife that accumulates there. And just this morning, a customer came through my line and bought three brightly colored shirts (orange, green, and yellow). I commented to her how much I loved those colors but inside was thinking how they are so summery. Yes, summer-y is a word... I just made it up. I was super thrilled to see ya'll last week and would like to visit sometime but have no idea when that will be a possibility.
it was so fun to see you guys! I think you two had a little too much fun with the will call window.:)
Love your post! And did you see how blue your eyes are in the will call window pic?? So pretty!
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