Friday, October 17, 2008

Pink Giraffes and Paige on Hyperdrive

So, yesterday was day four of the marathon you ever have those - where you work crazy hours everyday but love every minute of it? Well, that has been my week...Starting Monday I have worked 12-15 hours EVERY day, and yet God has been so wonderfully gracious to help me enjoy and love every minute of it!

Last night I preached at zoe & as I was about to go up at 8:30pm, I realized that my body was about to crash, thus I had two options - preach as mellow-Paige (which could work) or preach as crazy-hyper-Paige (I chose this option and loved every minute of it). I was telling crazy stories, I even got some huge giraffes that just arrived for the fair-trade bazaar at pursue and used them to illustrate the story of Joseph that I was talking about. Anyways, as it was over I had one person say it was the best message ever although if they didn't know me better they would have thought I was slightly drunk, and another person also gave me a compliment and said it was preaching on crack...should I take those as compliments? Would Jesus be happy? I think so, because I'm completely aware that it was just him speaking through me and encouraging me to be crazy-Paige. And seriously folks, it was either crazy Paige or comatose this was a good thing.

I just wanted to encourage someone with the thought of my was "How big is you God in mundane life" and we talked about Joseph in the prison. As I was studying I saw that 4 conditions of the mundane life are: 1. you feel confined 2. you are busy working for others 3. it feels as though others are dreaming around you and thus your dreams are long gone 4. you feel forgotten...this is all right there in Genesis 39-41

I could have preached about Joseph and all the great things he did to enjoy his mundane life, butg instead I wanted us to focus on where God is...because for some reason it is especially hard to see him when life is just plain boring.

Genesis 39:21 says, "But the LORD was with Joseph and showed him steadfast love and gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison."

And I is simple...
Even in mundane life that feels confining and without much hope, God is with us, He is SHOWING us His love, and if we can get our eyes off ourselves we just might find that He is giving us favor.

So, just a few words to encourage you readers...whether you feel on top of the world or like you are stuck in a boring life...God is with you! Open your eyes and see the many ways He loves you (this week, He showed me by having a friend give me a card, someone brining me a surprise HUGE Diet Dr. Pepper, opening a delivery that was filled with brightly colored giraffes - trust me, nothing puts a smile on your face like a random box with giraffes, and good conversations with friends), and He wants to give you favor...

Okay, that is Paige's sermon for the day.

By the way, if you want one of the fabulous giraffes & you are in the LBK, you should come to PURSUE next weekend. I can't even tell you how AMAZING it is going to be....


Dominika said...

Thank you for this post. Sometimes I think wow, didn't I just do this yesterday, and then realize that I had. Life as a stay at home mom is sometimes "mundane" and then God shows me through my children very often that it's not and that I'm extremely blessed in my life!

Oh and I had to giggle at the drunk and on crack Paige comments. Sometimes a hyper message is what gets people inspired!

Anonymous said...

I am so sad that I missed you preaching on crack. I think you are one of the most gifted and annointed preachers ever, and I was sad to miss it, but mommy duty was calling. Thanks for the encouragement. I have felt very bored lately, and slightly overwhelmed, but God's grace is so good. Wow! I am blessed.

Leslie said...

I like all the Paige's. Even Paige on crack! You are such an inspiration to me. I can't wait for Pursue!!!

Jennifer said...

I tend to think being asked if you were on crack is ALWAYS a compliment. But, maybe thats because I've been asked so much it just made me feel better to believe it was positive. :-)

Oh my goodness!!! Let's just all stop for a moment and actually picture Paige on crack!
I can't even begin to imagine the hyper overdrive it would send you into.

That thought alone makes me want to go lie down immediately...

Jennifer said...

Ok, first of all, saw the giraffes in your office and they are indeed FAB!!
Second of all, sorry to have missed Paige in hyper-drive (sounds like fun) :), but the recap was great! I love that we do serve such a GREAT God who is always up to incredible things! Can't wait to see the incredibleness this next week!Praying for you as you finish up the details! It's going to be awesome!!

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