I'm a fairly good goal-setter, but the follow-through is often lacking...you too? So, I honestly cannot believe that I'm actually completing this goal of 365 pictures - one for every day of this past year! But I've done it (with the exception of a few missed days), and I must say I'm so glad I did this! As I've been looking back over my pictures from this year I've discovered I really do have a sense of our year. It's a great way to easily document your life (your real life too - not just the occasional highlights).
I'll probably devote a blog later on to what I've learned through this process but for now, let's just post these pictures so I can be officially finished!
Here are my final pictures from Project 365 plus another couple of weeks (since I started BEFORE January 1st of 2012).
Day 353 - Chuck E Cheese!!!! We had a birthday party fast change for my niece Molly Kate when we arrived at Sweet & Sassy only to discover it had been shut down. But as you can see on these smiles - you can't go wrong with Chuck E Cheese |
Day 354 - This was Selah's first trip to the library. And although I had visions of reading books together what actually transpired was that she found a small stage & danced with delight. |
Day 355 - This is what becomes of me allowing Selah to eat crackers in the living room. |
Day 356 - My girls - smelling good after baths (Selah did not want to take a picture). |
Day 357 - Never estimate the joy that can be found by playing with pots at the park. The end. |
Day 358 - I did not have a picture for this day - I overlooked it, but I love this sweet picture of Selah playing in Dallas a few days later so thought I'd put it here. |
Day 359 - I preached at the Lubbock Dream Center on this day & saw this posted by my friend Bryan on Instagram. I never have pictures of myself preaching...so I thought I'd choose his for the day & his comment makes me smile too - so thankful for the many people who encourage me! |
Day 360 - I LOVE this picture! I thought my dad was having a touching moment with these girls, but when I snuck over the snap a picture I heard him saying, "You do NOT call Papa a poo-poo head" - ha! |
Day 361 - I basically take this same picture every time I get my hair colored...but it is fitting because it is definitely a highlight of the day for me! |
Day 362 - We went to Dallas for Thanksgiving & I snuck off for a few hours to work on a project for my mom's 60th birthday. I went to one of my favorites - Panera Bread...and I was there long enough to accumulate two plates. |
Day 363 - Selah loves her Safta, and this picture makes me happy. |
Day 364 - Selah started feeling sick while we were in Dallas, so we snuggled one entire day...but apparently she didn't want to make a sicky face - I think she is finally getting used to posing for the camera! |
Day 365 - Decorating the Christmas Tree with my big helper | | | |
Day 366 (LEAP Year) - After a great time in Dallas I was happy to be back at home & doing a little reading |
And with that, I've finished my project!!! Woohoo! But I decided to continue on & will finish up through the end of the year. And so it continues...
Day 367 - Haven fell asleep in my arms - LOVE these moments |
Day 368 - I'm sharing an office now with my wonderful assistant, Annie and so my friend Dana helped me do some rearranging & redecorating |
Day 369 - THOSE EYES |
Day 370 - Took a little trip to Target & purchased band-aids...this is what happens when I let her hold those band-aids on the drive home. |
Day 371 - My mom's 60th birthday with my lovely sisters |
Day 371 (part 2) - Another picture from her birthday. Selah wanted to go over to her house & throw an impromptu party!!! Happy Birthday, Gigi! |
Day 372 - I did a little photo shoot with Haven in her Christmas get-up...and as is often the case, she was intent on sticking out her tongue! |
Day 373 - This was right after we all landed in NYC - we hit the town and went first to see the tree at Rockefeller Center. Unfortunately, the woman on the street who I gave my camera to focused on the tree & not our faces - oh well! |
Day 374 - Day 2 in NYC we walked all around Central Park & Leslie wanted us to pose like on Friends...I don't think Heath was feeling it. |
Day 375 - Day 3 in NYC - Josh got his wish to ice skate in Central Park! It was a fun moment to watch him as he dodged kids & taught Heath how to skate |
Day 376 - Day 4 in NYC - Love my Family! |
Day 377 - Day 5 in NYC - These girls were really in the holiday spirit! |
Day 378 - I didn't take a picture our first day home after the trip - I'm sure I was exhausted and trying to reconnect with my girls, but I really like this picture from our trip - walking through Central Park...everyone looking back to see what my mom & I were taking pictures of |
Day 379 - Every year we have a Volunteer Appreciation Banquet at the church around Christmas time & my sister decorated a table with the theme "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus" - thought this was so cute! |
Day 380 - Our first snow!!!! |
Day 381 - Doing some Crafts! |
Day 382 - She has my heart! |
Day 383 - Santa Land - there was so much to see, Selah had a difficult time looking at the camera...but she has her "cheese" smile down to a science |
Day 384 - I discovered in the top of our closet a play Nativity set that someone gave us last year. I pulled it down, and Selah absolutely loved it! She calls it her story - because we always tell a story as we play with it. |
Day 385 - Someone got into my mascara and used in on their eyebrows...and someone is very proud of their make-up job |
Day 386 - JOY!! |
Day 387 - Christmas Shopping...which shoes will she like? |
Day 388 - We went to look at Christmas lights & Selah requested hot chocolate minus the chocolate (aka: a cup full of marshmallows) |
Day 389 - The great Dust Storm. It was nasty - I have no other words |
Day 390 - My girls met Mr. & Mrs. Claus for the first time & they were not completely sure how they felt about it. |
Day 391 - Selah & I picked berries... |
Day 392 - Can't believe she is 6 months old! |
Day 393 - Happy Cousins |
Day 394 - Christmas Eve - Selah started to run a fever & got sick today. We stayed home while Josh & Haven went to our big family get-together. People were asking about Selah so I sent this picture to show them that Selah had fallen asleep while we watched cartoons - no bueno. |
Day 395 - CHRISTMAS - Selah was still not feeling well, but she mustered the strength to open a few gifts and loved her doctor's kit! |
Day 396 - We continued to lay low since both girls were now sick...but Selah had fun playing with her new toys - especially her new art easel |
Day 397 - Haven continues to grow & in the last couple of weeks is sitting & playing with toys |
Day 398 - No picture for this day, so I'm sharing a favorite from Christmas. We tried desperately to get a picture of all the girls & this may be the best we got - it just makes me laugh...poor Molly! |
Day 399 - Sick days = no pictures...so I'm finally sharing a picture of our entire family! |
Day 400 - Starting to feel better! |
Day 401 - New Year's Eve - two little princesses sitting in their Papa's lap. It's been a good year. |
Paige! I have loved following along on this journey with you! Thank you for inspiring me to do the same! I will be posting my last Project 365, probably tomorrow.
I thought I would continue on but I have decided to do an online FREE weekly assignment based photography challenge. If you are interested, let me know. It starts on Monday and I can direct you to the blog that is hosting it for more details.
Thanks for the laughs and smiles, beautiful family!
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