Where I Am: As usual, I'm sitting on my lovely couch...just got home from work, but the cray thing is - I'm not really happy about it. I need to work more...I want to work more...I'm doing things that I'm passionate about, but this pregnancy thing is throwing me for a major loop. I literally feel as though between the hours of 3-5pm my body (including my brain) completely shuts down. I'm good for nothing - so I find myself either staring into space, aimlessly trolling around on my computer or just giving up and going home. Today I decided to take a stand. I WANT to work, so at 3pm, I took some work to the local coffee shop (I love you Sugar Brown's) & had a cup of coffee (everything I've read says that 200mg of caffeine a day is fine - so give me a break)...and then I did some work. Actually I did some reading which was work for me today. I read a long letter from a missionary, which left me with the conviction that I need to hop on a plane & go visit...and then I read a lady's talk that she is giving at an upcoming Walk to Emmaus...she had asked me to critique it for her (Wow!!! It was fantastic & I learned so much more about her life)...Sorry for the tangent, but that is what I did as I sipped my iced vanilla latte. So by golly, I worked until 4:30pm today - yay!!!! Sorry for the rant, but I'm the girl that typically works at least one 12 hour work day a week...because I love it...and I'm so frustrated because it hasn't been working for me these past 3 months. Bring on the 2nd Trimester with MORE energy please!!!!
What I've been listening to: This past weekend I went to Rock the Desert Music Festival to work a tent for Pursue Missions (www.pursuemissions.org) & I listened to some great live music there. I found out that my team loves LaCrea & I really enjoyed Leeland & the winner of the Battle of the Bands (Josh Bramos). When I'm at work - perhaps because I'm so tired - I've been so lethargic I've been listening to Family Force Five. It's so crazy, but I love it! Kyla & I are slightly obsessed with them right now :)
What I've been reading: The Pregnancy Journal & What to Expect when you are Expecting. Good information, but it's also a bit redundant... I also started Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity (see, I'm trying to embrace this time of slowing down with grace) - so far so good. It is all stuff that I know, but definitely not what I live. I'm praying that it sinks in - what I like about this book too is that she doesn't just describe rest as doing nothing but talks about playing, giving, and other ways we rest as we love God & love others.
Favorite pictures of the past couple weeks:

Madison at Taylor's Birthday party...she was slobbering...but isn't she just gorgeous?

I LOVE Taylor's expression here...she just realized that Ally bought her a BIRD for her birthday. She was SUPER happy about this.

Josh's sister, Joy & her daughter Zoe came in town for a weekend. Here are the siblings in their superhero T-shirts.

At the 4th of July, Uncle Josh helped Ava with her shrimp. He's going to be the best dad!

LOVE this picture of my mom & Ava. Ava has the squinty eyes when she smiles big too! It is a family trait.

At Rock the Desert this weekend. We gave away Flavor Ice (Popsicles)...at the end of our time there, these fabulous people decided to race to see who could eat one the fastest. As you can tell, Katie was the winner.
I absolutely love the picture of Mom and Ava!! I need to get lots of copies of your pictures!
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