Sorry for the delay everyone! Selah's birthday, our zoe girl's retreat, and a sick family put me on the sidelines for a bit...but I'm back and have a somewhat story to share with you!
Selah's birthday was last Tuesday and what a fun day we had! She had to go to PDO and I had to go to work, but I did my best to document her day.
Ready for our days! |
When we got home in the evening we decided to stay in because she wasn't her perky we just enjoyed a few of her favorite things:
Hugs from Dad |
Playing with the Dishwasher - what is it about kids and dishwashers? |
'Roni for Dinner |
Fire truck rides |
Bathtime |
Hugs from Mom |
So, the day itself was thoroughly documented!
We had her first birthday party a few days later on Saturday. Now, I must confess that I put way too much thought and time into this little shindig...and yes, I was aware that Selah would not remember this party...I was aware that really this party was somewhat for me. But I decided that's okay! I mean, I've been a mom for a year. That is quite a feat - a feat that deserves a party!
So, I spent about a month perusing blogs (I was in utter shock and amazement at some of the crazy kid parties out there!) I was inspired by several posts at
Hostess with the Mostess - in fact, I printed out pictures and took Josh on an ungodly trip to Hobby Lobby (I would like to nominate my husband for an award because he followed me around with a cart for over 2 hours - if that's not love I'm not sure what is).
Anyways, I was all set to make this little party as blog worthy as possible. I had a theme (flowers and butterflies), decor, delicious food plans, even a little play area for kids - I mean...seriously, I was ready to be fun party mom!
I worked the night before on setting up some decorations for the party...I had cute things like
This handmade floral wreath (aren't you impressed?) |
And pictures of my cute kid hanging everywhere (Shutterfly gave me 50 free pics - thank you!) |
Seriously, isn't she so cute - this face makes me want to party! |
And I had butterflies hanging from chandeliers! |
Butterflies that cut out by hand (yes, I was really trying hard) |
So, I got things set up the night before and set the alarm early because our big party was starting at 10:30am. I hit the ground running at 7am by making monkeybread, an egg casserole, and cutting up fruit. I was also frantically running around trying to finish decorating, wrapping gifts, and desperately trying to find time to bathe both myself and my child.
Things were going well until the clock struck 9:30am. I think at 9:27am I had actually given myself an imaginary high-five - I mean, my house was stinking cute - see?
The Food Table |
My child was actually dressed and smelled good
The food was on it's way to being finished...and I even had my make-up on...and I still had one hour!
And then the clock struck 9:30am - or actually, my eyes realized that my kitchen was filling with smoke. Not small puffs of smoke, but billowing smoke was trying to escape from the oven. The monkeybread! Had I really already burned it? I opened to oven to find that the issue was not burnt monkeybread but rather the fact that my bundt cake pan comes in two pieces and those pieces were not sealed...which equals yummy cinnamon goo leaking out of the pan. Only the leak was more like a waterfall, and the oven was literally filled with half an inch of this goo. The goo was no longer yummy nor was it smelling of cinamon. It was a mess
See exhibit A
So, I'm screaming (yes, I do think I shrieked a bit), trying to salvage my monkey bread and opening every window in the kitchen...when Josh says from the sink, "I think we have another problem."
I glanced over, annoyed that he was minimizing the smoke-filled room I was trying to clear when I noticed that both sides of the sink were backed up. It turns out that my fabulous husband placed all 18 egg shells into the disposal as he helped with the egg casserole. We have now learned that this is not a good idea.
We looked at each other for a moment and came up with a game plan: Josh would run to the store to buy some drano while I would do my best with some febreeze...afterall, we still had 45 minutes - we could do this.
As I walked around the house with my trusty can of febreeze, I noticed yet another wreath! My silly hot pink wreath...had fallen in the middle of the night and was now laying on the floor in two pieces. When I saw the wreath I was alone (Selah was napping and Josh was on the Drano mission), and I'm pretty sure I let our an audible laugh/cry. Have you ever had those - where you're just not sure what to do?
My broken wreath... |
I stood there for a moment longer, took a deep febreeze laiden breath...and decided to just laugh. I laughed by myself for a few seconds and then told myself and God - "Sorry for trying to be something I'm not!"
And standing in that room I not only took a deep breath but I also took a good look around the room. And there along my walls I saw the cutest face - I saw my sweet Selah and was reminded of all the joy that this past year has held. And in that moment I realized that we should celebrate - absolutely! But the celebration wasn't to be about me or proving my capabilities as a mom. The celebration wasn't to be a show or anything to blog about...but rather the celebration was to be about God's goodness. His faithfulness this last year...and it was to be a celebration of her sweet life...and if any of it has to do with's really about the many ways she has changed my life this past year. Ripping me from my selfish and Paige-centered world into a world filled with hugs and laughter and poopy diapers and dirty hands...into a world where I know more about love and more about His love. That should be celebrated.
PS - Josh came home & helped me fix the wreath with duct tape.
I know this post has been extremely long...but here are a few pics of our special celebration!
Selah greeting her guests at the door! |
AMAZING cupcakes by Marki Hill (they were delicious too!) |
Cousins with Aunt Lisa and Uncle Roy |
Some of Selah's favorite guys |
Coloring with cousins and friends! |
Woohoo! Opening gifts is super fun - especially when sunglasses are involved. |
Bring on the Cake! I'm naked and ready to get messy! |
Can you tell I'm excited? |
I love my cute family! |
She Loved the cake! |
Ava was sweet to play picnic with Selah |
Selah loves her Papa Jack |
Amazing Ava |
Miss Maci |
Pretty Pey Pey |
Sweet Selah |
Paige! This is just perfect and SO freeing to so many of us who also try to be the perfect {insert noun here} and fall short of our own standards. AND a reminder of how Jesus doesn't see us by those impossible standards but grace, grace, grace!
But in all of that...KUDOS to you! The party looked like a blast!
The party was amazing! You did a great job, and it was so fun to celebrate Selah!!
Sounds like an epic morning! I seem to have days like that alot... unfortunately I don't always happen across a reminder of God's goodness. Glad everything turned out well!
Paige! This is so sweet. What a fun party! I loved reading your post. I appreciate your realness and can so relate to the little fiascos. :) It keeps us humble and with the right prespective. You are such a cute Mom!
I'm sad I missed her party. It looks like y'all had a great time!! Go Selah doing guns up in the first pic! HA!
What a precious little one! Always a joy to meet another mission minded momma. Delighted to meet you today. I hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you. This looks like a refreshing place to be drenched in goodness.
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